Cavernon Salinas

Traveler • Arcanist • Summoner

Name: Cavernon Salinas
Nickname: Cav
Age: 28 ~~ 30
Height: 5"11
Species: Half Keeper/Half Seeker
Nameday: 1st Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Guardian: Azeyma
Sexuality: Asexual ~ Homoromantic
Eye Colours: R) A clear looking colour, L) faded red~pink
Hair Colour: Mahagony fading to red

Physical characteristics

• The right side of his face has an old scar across his eye which looks blind yet it seems to be able to track people as well as his good one.
•His clothes hang off him, he looks skinny.
• Hidden usually behind his hair there seems to be a tattoo
• His fangs seem duller than your typical keepers and his nails are short.
• has bits of fur along his elbow and the back of his legs, the fur for his tail trails half way up his back and it feels silky and soft. It takes ages to dry.
• Character is Transmasc

Birthplace: La Noscea
Residence: Owns cottage in Upper La Noscea / Spends most of his time on the road in various inns

Likes: Sweet things, Learning, Music, Spicy foods, magik
Dislikes: Boats, older elezen, the desert, the cold


Cavernon was born to a seeker mother and keeper father, along with his twin X’Luhna, however as there was a distinct difference in features and because they had to separate he went with his father.Infatuated with the sun and the bustle of towns the clan skirts around he often had his father stay up with him to watch the sun rise a ways away from the tribe- it's usually fine until they're attacked, leaving Cavernon blinded in his right eye and his father dead, rejected and shunned by his family he flees into the streets of Limsa where he hopes to have a better chance of survival.Uknown bearer of the Echo it adapts, he's able to see aether, as well as sense it, making it easier to steal from the unsuspecting crowd and avoid getting caught, he'd sparsely make friends with the other street urchins, and wouldn't bat an eye when there'd be less, it was common. Routines though, get one caught, distracted by the disappearance of a friend who didn't leave the street he's caught at 14 and sold to a brothel run by an ex Nuhn.He's bought at 19 by an older Elezen from the Maelstrom, a skewed agreement he would regret up until his teachers untimely 'disappearance' when he's merely 23, listed as next of kin he gains all of the old mans belongings and sets off, deciding to find someone else who might teach him, and also to see more of the world he was denied.

☆ A traveler oft needs guides, he'll pay for a guide or a bodyguard if he's planning on going into dungeons he's heard of.¤ Member of the Maelstrom? His teacher had been... of mixed likeness, his disappearance is strange and the Miqo'te doesn't seem to want to talk about it but he looks relieved at the man being dead.• If you have some sort of aether sense or aethersight he's less aetherically dense than the average person, almost like he's not entirely... whole? His aether is a duller shine of the night sky, his carbuncle shines the same, but around it aether disappears and fluctuates, like its being absorbed, it has a void like signature on it.

♧ A frequent to the red light district in the Limsan area might recognize the 'tattoo' on the left side of his face, typically hidden by his hair, a brand belonging to a brothel, a high price is set on getting him alive to return to his 'owner'.

☆ Both PC and OC are 21+, and as Cavernon does have darker themes please be at least 20+¤ All RP is welcome! Although I might need a nudge w/ a tell since a lot of the time I'm most likely tabbed. Party, Tells, or open world rp welcome!♧ ERP is okay- just don't expect a relationship from it, Cavernon and PC are both Asexual. Also be over 20+ as well.